Opus has been designed to be as flexible as possible for each audit requirement whilst keeping to the same basic principles to make it easy for repairers to complete.
Each audit is split into areas to help process the form and ensure that you have the right people and area when submitting your answers.
Understanding the questions
Each question has a set of 3 responses Yes, No or Non Applicable.
Dependent on your choice there may be further questions relating to evidence or reminders being added to your action plan.
Adding evidence
You may be required to add photos or documents by uploading. Please ensure you use the right format to reduce possible disruption on files that are too big to process.
PDF (Acrobat) is ideal for documents such as word docs, etc and it is recommended that they are converted to this format.
Photos should be JPEG's or PNG's. Due to their compression they will upload quickly without the risking of timing out.
Action plan process
If you have not achieved the required standard or you have a failure then you are givien the opportunity to remedy the issue by setting a date to meet the requirement.
In the Action Plan box you fill in the description of what you need to achieve (hint: you could copy and paste the question and edit as required).
If you are auditing a repairer, please be concise and clear, discuss with the repairer so that they know what to do, and agree dates.